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Англо-русский словарь - fade


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Перевод с английского языка fade на русский

 а) угасать The music faded away. This custom is slowly fading away.
 б) исчезать When the police arrived, the crowd faded away.
 в) терять силу, здоровье During his illness he faded away to nothing. Old soldiers never die, they only fade away.
 1) вянуть, увядать, блекнуть
 2) выгорать, линять, блекнуть (from - из-за чего-л.) The colours of the photograph have faded from being kept in bright light. Your shirts have faded from frequent washing.
 3) постепенно исчезать (часто fade away) all memory of the past has faded - воспоминание о прошлом изгладилось
 4) стираться, сливаться (об оттенках); замирать (о звуках) - fade down
 5) обесцвечивать - fade away - fade in - fade out Syn: see wane
FADE in radio; cin.; tv постепенно увеличивать силу звука или четкость изображения After the introduction, well fade in the first scene.
FADE down понижать постепенно (звук) The radio station faded the music down to give a special news broadcast.
FADE out
 а) radio cin. tv постепенно уменьшать силу звука или четкость изображения Fade out the last scene at the end.
 б) исчезать Having done my job in starting the club. I decided that it was time I faded out and left the work to younger members.
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См. в других словарях

  1. редк. пресный; плоский, обыденный, банальный 2. вянуть, увядать the flowers have faded —- цветы завяли beauty fades —- красота вянет (блекнет) 3. выгорать, выцветать, линять, блекнуть (о красках) guaranteed not to fade —- крашение прочное (надпись) my socks faded in the wash —- мои носки полиняли в стирке 4. обесцвечивать (что-л.) the sun has faded the curtains —- занавески выгорели на солнце 5. сливаться (об оттенках); расплываться (об очертаниях и т. п.) the outline has faded —- очертания расплылись the daylight faded —- начало смеркаться summer fades into autumn —- лето постепенно переходит в осень 6. замирать, постепенно затихать (о звуках) the music faded in the distance —- музыка замерла вдали 7. постепенно исчезать, сглаживаться the coast faded from sight —- берег постепенно исчез из виду all memory of their friendship has faded —- даже память об их дружбе исчезла the idea has faded from my mind —- со временем я совершенно забыл об этом 8. кин. постепенно расплываться (также fade out) 9. кин. становиться более четким на экране (также fade in) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
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Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) выцветать 2) вянуть 3) жухнуть 4) замирать 5) линять 6) постепенно изменять силу сигнала 7) пропадание сигнала ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) замирание; замирать 2) плавное регулирование уровня сигнала; плавно регулировать уровень сигнала 3) вытеснение изображения затенением; вытеснять изображение затенением – cross fade – Delinger fade – side-curtain fade ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) увядать, блекнуть 2) выцветать; обесцвечивать(ся) 3) плавное изменение уровня (сигнала) плавно изменять уровень (сигнала) 4) замирание (сигнала) замирать (о сигнале) 5) туманиться (о шаре-пилоте при входе в облачность) 6) тлв (плавное) выведение или введение изображения; микширование 7) тлв производить монтажный переход; производить наплыв - brake fade - ink fade - latent image fade - lining fade ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 intr. & tr. lose or cause to lose colour. 2 intr. lose freshness or strength; (of flowers etc.) droop, wither. 3 intr. a (of colour, light, etc.) disappear gradually; grow pale or dim. b (of sound) grow faint. 4 intr. (of a feeling etc.) diminish. 5 intr. (foll. by away, out) (of a person etc.) disappear or depart gradually. 6 tr. (foll. by in, out) Cinematog. & Broadcasting a cause (a picture) to come gradually in or out of view on a screen, or to merge into another shot. b make (the sound) more or less audible. 7 intr. (of a radio signal) vary irregularly in intensity. 8 intr. (of a brake) temporarily lose effectiveness. 9 Golf a intr. (of a ball) deviate from a straight course, esp. in a deliberate slice. b tr. cause (a ball) to fade. --n. the action or an instance of fading. Phrases and idioms do a fade sl. depart. fade away colloq. languish, grow thin. fade-in Cinematog. & Broadcasting the action or an instance of fading in a picture or sound. fade-out 1 colloq. disappearance, death. 2 Cinematog. & Broadcasting the action or an instance of fading out a picture or sound. Derivatives fadeless adj. fader n. (in sense 6 of v.). Etymology: ME f. OF fader f. fade dull, insipid prob. ult. f. L fatuus silly + vapidus VAPID ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~d; fading)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French *~r, from ~ feeble, insipid, from Vulgar Latin *fatidus, alteration of Latin fatuus fatuous, insipid  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to lose freshness, strength, or vitality ; wither fading flowers  2. to lose freshness or brilliance of color  3. to sink away ; vanish a fading memory  4. to change gradually in loudness, strength, or visibility — used of a motion-picture image or of an electronics signal and usually with in or out  5. of an automobile brake to lose braking power gradually  6. to move back from the line of scrimmage — used of a quarterback  7. of a ball or shot to move in a slight to moderate slice  transitive verb to cause to ~  • ~r noun  II. noun  Date: 1918  1.  a. ~-out  b. a gradual changing of one picture to another in a motion-picture or television sequence  2. a fading of an automobile brake  3. a slight to moderate and usually intentional slice in golf  4. a hairstyle similar to a crew cut in which the hair on top of the head stands high  III. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French  Date: 15th century insipid, commonplace ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (fades, fading, faded) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. When a coloured object fades or when the light fades it, it gradually becomes paler. All colour fades–especially under the impact of direct sunlight... No matter how soft the light is, it still plays havoc, fading carpets and curtains in every room. ...fading portraits of the Queen and Prince Philip. VERB: V, V n, V-ing • faded ...a girl in a faded dress. ...faded painted signs on the sides of some of the buildings. ADJ 2. When light fades, it slowly becomes less bright. When a sound fades, it slowly becomes less loud. Seaton lay on his bed and gazed at the ceiling as the light faded... The sound of the last bomber’s engines faded into the distance. VERB: V, V into n 3. When something that you are looking at fades, it slowly becomes less bright or clear until it disappears. They observed the comet for 70 days before it faded from sight... They watched the familiar mountains fade into the darkness. VERB: V from/into n, V from/into n • Fade away means the same as fade. We watched the harbour and then the coastline fade away into the morning mist. PHRASAL VERB: V P into n, also V P 4. If memories, feelings, or possibilities fade, they slowly become less intense or less strong. Sympathy for the rebels, the government claims, is beginning to fade... ...fading memories of better days. VERB: V, V-ing ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 also fade away to gradually disappear  (Hopes of a peace settlement are beginning to fade. | Over the years her beauty had faded a little.) 2 to lose colour and brightness, or to make something do this  (the fading evening light | fade sth The sun had faded the curtains.) 3 also fade away to become weaker physically, especially so that you become very ill or die 4 if a team fades, it stops playing as well as it did before  (The Broncos faded in the second half.) fade sth in phr v to make a picture or sound appear or be heard gradually - fade-in n fade sth out phr v to make a picture or sound disappear slowly or become quieter - fade-out n ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  transport. abbr. FAA ( Federal Aviation Administration) Airline Data Exchange chemis. abbr. Fast Atomic Density Evaluation gen. bus. abbr. Focus Analyze Develop And Execute ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - early 14c., from O.Fr. fader, from fade "pale, weak, insipid," probably from V.L. *fatidus, some sort of blending of L. fatuus "silly, tasteless" + vapidus "flat, flavorless." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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